
How to assign peaks in mestrenova
How to assign peaks in mestrenova

how to assign peaks in mestrenova

how to assign peaks in mestrenova

When peaks overlap then they need to be fitted simultaneously. You can integrate peaks either one-by-one or in bulk - depending on how many are selected. If you don't want the peaks to move then you can lock the by typing pk. The fitting routine moves peak positions to fit the data better - and it is not always accurate at that. You can select multiple peaks by holding Shift key while clicking on the peaks. Command it - gives access to options used by the integration algorithm. Command pi integrates selected peaks - runs fitting and calculates peak volumes.

how to assign peaks in mestrenova

Hand-typed commands in sparky give you very fast access to all functions of the software.Ĭopy-pasting peaks in sparky from one spectrum to another is very simple (click into first spectrum, type pa - select all peaks, oc - copy peaks - ornament copy, click into another spectru and type op - paste). Mostly because of familiarity and the mechanical memory of typing commands. If I had to do this analysis myself I would use Sparky.


Links (must register on Bruker site to access): windows version and linux version. Maybe you'll benefit by changing your title to something like "Software to analyze 2D T1 and T2 relaxation rate data?" - that way the question will probably attract answers about other programs.Īt the 50th ENC Clemens Anklin showed a program written at Bruker that does that sort of analysis easily. Unfortunately I can't answer for nmrDraw, because I only use it when I process data (FT, etc) with nmrPipe.

How to assign peaks in mestrenova